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cPanel Tech How To Access

Welcome to IMTech HowTo cPanel training! You now have access to this 20 part video training.

cPanel is the most popular website control panel platform being used on the internet today. There’s a LOT of features and functions that will help you host your site, files, videos, etc.

You can start watching these videos by clicking the links below. You can also download them to watch on your computer.

As you go through these, practice on your own website cPanel. You’ll have a better understanding of the features and soon you’ll be installing your own scripts quickly and easily, creating databases, etc.

Let’s get started!

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By the way, if you’re learning cPanel chances are you have a website. And if you have WordPress installed on that site (or any script), then you have a database.


Now is the time to think of website and database protection – NOT after you’ve been hacked! You need to check out Quirkel today!